Aids patient interview

Hi Mostafa!
I found your report on the Indian AIDS man most interesting.
You must have been so embarrassed when the report was published after discovering how the Sub-Editor had represented your report and given it a totally new slant. It reminded me of the time when I worked for a magazine that was under the control of a controversial Sunday newspaper, notorious for its headlines and beating-up. Although ‘nicey nicey’ my reports went through their sub-editors desk before print.
I remember going to the Editor with a report I had written on celebrity and saying to him, “these people are very nice people, so I beg you not to distort the facts”.
He replied: “We’re all very nice people!”
The report was presented as I had wished. Was it because I had asked or would have been published like that, I’ll never know… but it doesn’t matter. I did not have to go around and apologise to the family.
Princess Diana did a lot in breaking down barriers with AIDS patients when she went to an AIDS hospital and held hands with AIDS patients.
It’s sad to think that an Assistant Editor wasn’t more informed.
Anyway, Mostafa, congratulations on your report.
(Sir Frank Peters)