Air quality again deteriorates in Indian capital city

Air quality in Indian capital city of Delhi has once again deteriorated and slipped from poor to very poor category, state-run broadcaster – All India Radio (AIR) said Tuesday.

The broadcaster quoting Central Pollution Control Board saying the Air Quality Index, AQI in Delhi was recorded Tuesday morning at 323 which was 292 on Sunday and 298 on Saturday.

The pollution monitoring agency said PM10 pollutants level was found at 213 micro-gram per cubic meter while PM2.5 level at 323 micro-gram during the morning.

An AQI value between 301-400 is classified as very poor.

According to the officials, the city’s air quality will remain in the very poor category and chances of its further deteriorating in the coming days is less as incursion of pollutants from external sources like stubble burning has stopped.

The recent light drizzle in Delhi and its outskirts has helped wash out the accumulated particulates, which resulted in improving air quality over the last two to three days.

Deadly smog chocks air causing breathlessness and lung difficulties, besides badly affecting the visibility.

Delhi is considered one of the most polluted cities in the world, reports Xinhua, New Delhi.