Dhaka, Apr 20 : Mild to moderate heat wave is sweeping over Dhaka and Barishal divisions and it may continue, Met office said on Tuesday.

Dhaka, Apr 20 : Mild to moderate heat wave is sweeping over Dhaka and Barishal divisions and it may continue, Met office said on Tuesday.
Global warming will increase the chances of summer conditions that may be “too hot for humans” to work in, exposing millions of people to potentially life threatening conditions.
23 June 2020 – Reports that temperatures in a Russian town in the Arctic Circle likely reached a record 38C (100.4F), last weekend, have been approved by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) pending final verification, it said on Tuesday.
17 June 2020 – The UN Secretary-General has called for “a new contract for nature” to address ongoing global challenges connected to land degradation, such as forced migration, hunger and climate change.
6 June 2020 – Last month was the warmest May on record and carbon dioxide levels also hit a new high despite the economic slowdown from COVID-19, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Friday, in an urgent appeal for…
By Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin Okyenhene ACCRA Ghana, Jun 1 2020 (IPS) – The tragedy of the coronavirus pandemic and its associated challenges have thrown our world into chaos, with the virus destroying lives and livelihoods in its path. The…
By Aaron Bernstein BOSTON – The COVID-19 crisis has brought economies around the world to a standstill. Huge swaths of manufacturing have been idled, and sectors such as aviation and tourism are largely shuttered. Amid all the economic ruin, some…
by Dirk Messner, Nick Nuttall DESSAU-ROßLAU – If the current coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is that our interconnected, globalized economies and societies are highly vulnerable to sudden shocks. The COVID-19 outbreak, and the horrendous scale of its…
By Kanis Dursin JAKARTA, Mar 23 2020 (IPS) – Samsul sounded very happy last Monday (Mar. 16) when recounting his experience of catching crabs worth more than $60 in a single day. “I hauled over 12 kilograms of crabs on…
World Water Day: Often overlooked, water resources are an essential part of the solution to climate change On World Water Day, the United Nations launched a flagship report which says that reducing both the impacts and drivers of climate change…
By Xari Jalil Mar 13 2020 (IPS) – Unpredictable weather patterns in the form of excessive or prolonged rainfall are wreaking havoc for farmers across Pakistan as sowing and harvesting periods are severely affected.
by Ibrahim Thiaw BONN – In the face of climate change, providing reliable supplies of renewable energy to all who need it has become one of the biggest development challenges of our time. Meeting the international community’s commitment to keep…
8 February 2020 Fresh fears of accelerating damage to the planet’s ice sheets and sea-level rise have been fuelled by confirmation from the UN’s weather agency that the Antarctic likely saw a new temperature record of more than 18°C on…
January 28, 2020 SANDRP In July 2019, former Prime Minister of Bhutan and President of the People’s Democratic Party Tshering Tobgay makes impassioned plea to act on the melting glaciers of Hindu Kush due to climate change and among other…
By Pierpaolo Grippa, Jochen Schmittmann, and Felix Suntheim WASHINGTON DC, Jan 16 2020 (IPS) – Climate change is already a reality. Ever-more-ferocious cyclones and extended droughts lead to the destruction of infrastructure and the disruption of livelihoods and contribute to…
The UN Human Rights Committee has determined that countries cannot deport people who have sought asylum due to climate-related threats.
Dhaka, Jan 20 – The surface urban heat island (SUHI) in the urban core of Dhaka is 3.4 degrees Celsius higher than rural locations, posing various threats to the city dwellers, according to a study.
WASHINGTON,DECEMBER 04, 2019- The world continues to increase the amount of heat-trapping carbon dioxide it pumps into the air, but it’s not rising as fast as in the previous couple years.
26 November 2019, Climate Change – Even if countries meet commitments made under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world is heading for a 3.2 degrees Celsius global temperature rise over pre-industrial levels, leading to even wider-ranging and more destructive climate…
25 November 2019 – Levels of the three main heat-trapping gases emitted into the atmosphere – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide – have reached yet another high, the UN meteorological agency, WMO, said on Monday.
By Farhana Haque Rahman Rome, Oct 31 2019 (IPS) – Barely a week passes without alarming news of the most recent scientific research into the global climate crisis compounding a growing sense of urgency, particularly the impact on small island…
By Stella Paul Incheon, South Korea, Oct 9 2019 (IPS) – “The window of opportunity to avoid catastrophic climate change is fast shrinking,” executive director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Yannick Glemarec, tells IPS.
Helheim Glacier, Aug 20 (AP/UNB) — This is where Earth’s refrigerator door is left open, where glaciers dwindle and seas begin to rise. New York University air and ocean scientist David Holland, who is tracking what’s happening in Greenland from…
9 August 2019, Climate Change More than 500 million people today live in areas affected by erosion linked to climate change, the UN warned on Thursday, before urging all countries to commit to sustainable land use to help limit greenhouse…
1 August 2019, Climate Change Global warming and rising political tensions are dangerous and avoidable, Secretary-General António Gutierres told reports on Thursday, previewing the UN’s upcoming Climate Action Summit, and spotlighting geopolitical hotspots.
Dhaka, July 27 (UNB) – The United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and Climate and Clean Air Coalition have announced the “Clean Air Initiative”, calling upon governments at all levels to join the initiative.…
Paris, July 26 (AP/UNB) — Even ice cream, Italian gelato or Popsicles couldn’t help this time. Temperature records that had stood for decades or even just hours fell minute by minute Thursday afternoon and Europeans and tourists alike jumped into…
Paris, Jul 21 (AP/UNB) — Swedish teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg has received the first Freedom Prize awarded by France’s Normandy region, which last month commemorated the 75th D-Day anniversary. Thunberg, 16, received the award in Caen on Sunday,…
Washington, Jul 2 (AP/UNB) — The amount of ice circling Antarctica is suddenly plunging from a record high to record lows, baffling scientists. Floating ice off the southern continent steadily increased from 1979 and hit a record high in 2014.…