If you live in Nepal, a quick survey of friends and family will quickly prove how rapidly Covid-19 infection rates have spiked.

If you live in Nepal, a quick survey of friends and family will quickly prove how rapidly Covid-19 infection rates have spiked.
In this hour of gloom and doom, hope springs eternal in the human breast for a long life. Even amidst this unprecedented death dance, elders in the family do return my respectful bow with ‘live a hundred years’ blessings.
The UN Security Council (UNSC), the most powerful political body at the United Nations, has largely remained silent or ineffective in resolving one of the longstanding military conflicts in the Middle East involving Israelis and Palestinians.
Innocent people invariably bear the cost of being nature’s custodians at the hands of the colonial design.
The year 2020 will forever be notorious for the COVID-19 pandemic but it might also be known by historians for a precipitous rise in second order climate change consequences — a new elephant in the room.
In one particularly bloody day in March, Myanmar’s security forces shot and killed at least ten children, some as young as 6, in violent crackdowns against peaceful protests.
While Western countries were busy with their own vaccination campaigns, Russia has filled the leadership vacuum in developing countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest decrease in global economic activity on record. But the drop in carbon dioxide emissions has been only temporary.
Identity politics has been on the ascendancy in many parts of the world in the last few decades. Its relationship to ethnicity, culture and religion is what concerns us at this point.
After a long delay, Germany has taken vaccination measures into high gear “. While Israel, USA have been busy with German-made Vaccine “BioNTech, Germany has been slowing down its own vaccine.
এই আলাপ অতি সংক্ষিপ্ত। একে যারা পূর্ণাঙ্গ করতে চান তারা অংশ নিতে পারেন। সেটা জরুরিও। এখানে যেসব তথ্য-উপাত্ত ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে সেগুলো জাফরুল্লা চৌধুরীর পুরানো লেখনি থেকে নেয়া। এর সত্যা-সত্য নিয়ে প্রশ্ন থাকলে এবং ভিন্নমত থাকলেও অবশ্যই লিখবেন।
The report concluded that while countries have taken action to protect their forests, those efforts must be accelerated to achieve ambitious global goals.
An Urgent Call to His Holiness Pope Francis, the global ecumenical movement and World Council of Churches Join the Palestinian Christians: Resist the Ethnic Cleansing of East Jerusalem.
The Amazon Basin is fast approaching an irreversible tipping point. That should concern everyone because what happens in the Amazon has planetary implications.
If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world one thing, it is the high price we pay – in lost lives, damaged economies, and wasted human potential – when we undervalue resilience.
But while President Joe Biden’s administration is focusing on the Central American migration crisis, it must not miss the opportunity to drive urgently needed climate action to help the region rebuild after the pandemic.
According to the report, ‘burdensome’ evidence requirements in rape cases are impeding access to justice for survivors. It states that five out of the six countries, India being the exception, allow evidence on the past sexual history of a rape victim.
Whether the modern e-scooter is drawn on the original invention from the 14th century Vijiyanagara Empire in Karnataka is besides the point, fleets of such scooters have now taken over city streets worldwide.
The U.K. Variant and the South African Variant have been proved to be more contagious and deadly and spreading in an unprecedented way.
On the 9th of April 2021, Ramsey Clark passed away in the States. He was ninety three. The former US Attorney-General had spent decades in the struggle for human rights both when he was in government and after he ceased to be Attorney-General.
I am here to fight and I am here to stay, come what may, they have made their people’s leader, and I am not going to let them down,” says Nodeep.
For me, sustainable peace is peace built on human security, not national security. We do not need more, “modernized” nuclear weapons.
Simply put all those who are criticizing the RSS and its progeny are labelled as anti-National. As the fountainhead of Hindu Nationalism RSS is becoming stronger, it has been trying to link patriotism and religion.
Late Prince Philip was a dignified personality who helped modernize the monarchy and guided the Royal Family at the time of crisis.
Climate-policy discussions often focus on who will pay the cost of achieving a zero-carbon economy, with a particular focus on industrial sectors such as steel and cement.
Our climate challenge is an energy challenge. But solving our energy challenge requires action that goes well beyond power generation.
I had the opportunity to come in touch with some very reputed newspaper editors of that time. Unfortunately, they are no more with us but their memories and great works still alive in our thoughts and mind.
Delayed, or no, justice and perpetrators’ impunity effectively silence rape and sexual assault survivors of communal violence in India.
Cuba’s successful handling of the COVID-19 outbreak relative to many capitalist countries is not overly surprising, given that Cubans have considered health to be a fundamental human right since the Socialist Revolution.
ক’দিন আগে রিকশা এ যাওয়ার সময় লক্ষ্য করলাম, রিকশা চালক এর মুখে মাস্ক নাই। জিজ্ঞেস করলাম– আপনার মাস্ক কোথায় ? পকেটে আছে। পরেননি কেন? উত্তরে বললো – মাস্ক পরলে দম নিতে কষ্ট হয়, রিকশা টানতে পারিনা?