Common Khutba not imposed on anyone: Committee

The Khutba Formulation Committee on Tuesday said Baitul Mukarram National Mosque’s khutba that identically delivered in many mosques across the country before the last jum’a prayers was not imposed on anyone or made specific for anybody. The committee in a statement also said Islamic Foundation’s officers and employees with the general education background had no involvement in preparing the khutba. It issued the statement in response to media reports about criticism of the ‘common’ khutba (sermon) delivered at different mosques across the country during the jum’a prayer on July 15 last. Signed by the committee convener and National Mosque’s senior pesh imam Muhammad Mizanur Rahman, it said the khutba of the National Mosque has long been formulated by the Khutba Formulation Committee. Dhaka, UNB News Agency Reported.

The imams of the National Mosque, alem-ulema and khatibs (religious scholars) from across the country have been involved in the formulation of khutba under the committee, the statement reads. “Only the expert alem-ulema having certification from Deoband, Hathazari, Patia Madrasahs, Al Azhar University, Egypt, and Madina University are involved in the committee.” Besides, the khutba is prepared in light of Qur’an and Sunnah with the support of the most khutba books that are being widely used across the country, it mentioned. The committee explained that the khutba prepared for the National Mosque on Friday last was distributed among mosques across the country as a ‘sample khutba’. The ‘sample khutba’ was sent to mosques to make it possible that khatibs and imams of the mosques across the country could pick up ideas from it and deliver those in their own khutba presentation, the statement added.

The committee requested all to inform the Islamic Foundation in written if there is any mistake and error in the khutba. “The common Muslims may get confused if the media reports on the mistakes in the khutba are published.” In a bid to raise awareness among people from all walks of life about extremism and terrorism, imams of the country’s many mosques, especially in urban areas, followed the common khutba (sermon) delivered at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque, during the jum’a prayers on Friday last. The Islamic Foundation earlier sent the khutba to the mosques across the country urging the imams to follow it.