Nazrul’s 40th death anniversary Saturday

The 40th death anniversary of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam will be observed on Saturday with due respect.Nazrul, popularly known as Bidrohi Kabi, through his powerful poems had inspired the people to fight against all kinds of odds and injustice and repression during the colonial rule.

Nazrul’s songs and poems were also a great source of inspiration for the freedom fighters during the country’s Liberation War in 1971.On August 27, 1976, the poet passed away in Dhaka at the age of 77 after suffering from a long ailment.Different socio-cultural and political organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes to observe the day.The programmes will start with Qurankhwani after Fazr prayers at Dhaka University (DU) central mosque.Later, teachers and students of the university will place wreaths at the grave of the national poet at 7:15 am.Besides, special prayers will be offered at the poet’s grave and a discussion will be held there where DU Vice-chancellor Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique will be present.Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA) will also place wreath at the grave of Kazi Nazrul Islam in the morning.In the evening, it will arrange a discussion and cultural programme where Cultural Affairs Secretary Aktari Mamtaz will be present as the chief guest.Bangla Academy will organise a solo-lecture session followed by a cultural show at its Poet Shamsur Rahman auditorium at 4 pm.Ruling Awami League will pay homage to the national poet by placing at wreath at 8 am.Kazi Nazrul Islam was born on May 24 in 1899 at Churulia village in Asansol subdivision of Burdwan district of West Bengal, India.