Russia’s foreign orders for nuke plants Grow to $300 Billion

Russia’s State Nuclear Corporation-ROSATOM presently has foreign orders worth $ 300 billion for construction of 30 nuclear power units in 12 countries and discussions on construction of 10 more units are underway. Sergey Kirienko, CEO of Rosatom apprised the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during an official meeting with him in Moscow recently.Kirienko said that, “interest in nuclear power is growing globally at the moment. In the recent years our order portfolio has increased by 5.5 times. We are carrying out negotiations with 5 more countries for construction of nuclear power plants”.

Rosatom Chief informed that in the recent time the company has won all the open tender processes. “Due to these our foreign order portfolio has increased up to $300 billion and our main goal for the coming years is to make it grow further”, added Kirienko.

According to Rosatom CEO nuclear power cooperation allows different countries to ameliorate their relationships for long periods of time, as power units construction takes 7 to 10 years of time, followed by maintenance work for quite a long time. A nuclear power platn can be exploited for 60 years and its life span can be extended up to 100 years.

Rosatom forecasts its foreign order portfolio to grow up to $150 billion by 2020, which was $101,4 by the end of 2014. – Triune Group press release