Upcoming social business lab at Yunus Centre Nov 15

Yunus Centre is pleased to announce that, the upcoming Social Business Design Lab will take place on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at Yunus Centre. The program will be chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.
We’re cordially inviting you all to work together to identify ways of social well-being through new social business ideas. We are also amazed by the thriving and highly energetic community that has joined us since the launch of social business design lab. We are passionately optimistic about social change through social business.Social Business Design Lab is a four hour long program for the people who are interested in social business. People from different background join this program to learn about Social Business and brainstorm on potential social business ideas.
If you would like to be a part of the upcoming Social Business Design Lab on Saturday November 15, 2014 with your social business idea please register at:
উক্ত সোশ্যাল বিজনেস ডিজাইন ল্যাব প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসের সভাপতিত্বে আগামী ১৫ নভেম্বর ২০১৪ ইং তারিখে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।
অনুষ্ঠানে অংশগ্রহন করতে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন এই লিংক এ: http://www.socialbusinesspedia.com/design_labs