2 cousins drowns in Sherpur

Dhaka  – Two cousins drowned in the Mrighi river in Uttar Kaliganj area of the district town on Sunday night.The deceased were identified as Arafat Islam, 6, son of Hafizur Rahman and Sohana Begum, 3, daughter of Beauty Begum, both resident of the area,UNB news agency reported.  Locals said Beauty along with daughter Sohana went to her brother’s house in the area on Sunday afternoon.Later Arafat and Sohana went to the bank of the river for playing around 5pm and went missing.After a frantic search, local retrieved Sohana’s body in the evening from the river.A team of diver led by Mosatafizur Rahman, assistant deputy director of Sherpur Fire Station conducted a rescue drive but failed to trace Arafat.Later, a diver team from Meymensingh went to the spot and retrieved the body of Arafat around 12am.