2 Indian coast guard ships due Monday

Dhaka  – Two ships from Indian Coast Guard arrive at Chittagong on Monday on a four-day visit as part of the ongoing bilateral maritime exchanges between the two Coast Guards.The ships, ‘Vishwast’ and ‘Anmol’, are on a goodwill tour of Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand, according to Indian High Commission in Dhaka,UNB News Agency Reported.
This visit comes immediately after the recent maritime search and rescue operation undertaken by both countries in the Bay of Bengal
and it will further strengthen the friendship and bonhomie that has historically existed between the two forces, said the Indian side.
On account of inclement weather and rough seas, fishing boats from both sides had accidentally drifted into each other’s waters and some boats had capsized.Ships and maritime patrol aircraft from both Coast Guards and Bangladesh Navy were deployed on either side of maritime boundary for this operation.During the visit, a large number of exchanges for mutual benefit have been planned to allow both sides to share their best practices and experiences.Joint sports and cultural activities have also been planned. It will
also provide an opportunity for personnel from other institutions in Bangladesh as also some school children to visit the Indian ships.
‘Vishwast’, which means ‘trustworthy’, is an offshore patrol vessel built in Goa shipyard.The second ship, ‘Anmol’, meaning ‘invaluable’’ is a fast patrol vessel built in the Cochin shipyard. It is a comparatively a smaller vessel, but is capable of high speed coastal security operations.The joint operation had started on August 13 and it finally culminated after 12 days with safe return of 62 Bangladeshi fishermen and two fishing boats to Mongla Port.In the earlier phase of this operation, the Bangladesh Navy and Coast
Guard had facilitated recovery of Indian boats and fishermen.