Actors, celebrities whoop with joy at US gay marriage ruling

Actors, singers and Hollywood celebrities, many of whom have played a major role in driving acceptance of gay rights in mainstream culture, whooped with joy at the US Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal nationwide on Friday.Twitter lit up after the historic decision, with #LoveWins, accompanied by a rainbow-coloured heart, and #Supreme Court quickly becoming the top trending items on the social media site.Celebrities such as British singer Elton John and US comedian Ellen DeGeneres, both of whom are in same-sex marriages, have spoken out in support of gay unions for years.Popular American TV shows “Will & Grace”, “Glee” and comedy “Modern Family” also are widely credited with playing an influential role in changing the perception of gays, lesbians and transgender people in the United States and beyond.Following are some celebrity reactions to Friday’s ruling, delivered via Twitter, Instagram and statements:Ellen Degeneres, actress and TV talk show host
“Love won.”Jesse Tyler Ferguson, actor and star of TV comedy “Modern Family””Hugely emotional that marriage equality has finally come to the US. History! Love ALWAYS wins.”Liza Minnelli, actress and singer “I have always said that everyone has the right to love who they love and today, with the historic decision from the Supreme Court, I am so happy it is now the law of the land.”Ian Mckellen, British actor “America now joins in all the other countries that have been doing the same thing. I think it’s going to be a rapid domino effect. It will have a big effect beyond these shores, I hope.”George Takei, former “Star Trek” actor “This is a happy day, not just for LGBT Americans, but for all Americans. It is the beginning of an era where we no longer will speak about same-sex marriage, but of marriage. And one day, we need not speak of LGBT rights, for they simply will be human rights. Across this great land, families are celebrating because we truly are one family.”Marc Jacobs, fashion designer”Seems I’m always a bridesmaid and never a bride! Still, my heart is huge with this great news!! We can love who we want and how we want!!!”Sam Smith, Grammy-award winning British singer”All 50 STATES!!!! So happy. Times are changing my friends. We have such a long way to go and so much more fighting to do so I hope nobody stops and thinks everything’s ok because it isn’t, BUT it’s days like today, and moments like this that we’ve all gotta have a drink and celebrate how far we have come. I couldn’t be prouder to be gay x love to all x”Lance Bass, singer, former member of NSYNC “We are so proud to be American today! All of our #LGBTbrothers and sisters can now love freely! Thank you #SupremeCourt for doing the right thing.”Seth Macfarlane, director, creator of TV’s “Family Guy” “Congratulations America for finally catching up to the modern era with this landmark step forward for gay and lesbian rights.”Whoopi Goldberg, actress “BRAVO Supreme Court!!! We knew you had it in you. . .looking out for equality and looking out for healthcare. It’s a good day in America!!!!!!”