Admin in working in favour of ruling party

BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Tuesday alleged the administration is ‘nakedly’ working in favour of ruling party candidates to ensure their victories in Wednesday’s polls.Speaking at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan Central office, the BNP leader also said Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police (Khulna division) ordered officer-in-charges (OCs) of different police stations to threaten BNP leaders to keep them out of election activities.

Party’s another joint secretary general M Shahjahan alleged that law enforcers are conducting drives in different municipalities in bid to intimidate party’s polling agents not to go to polling stations.

Talking to UNB, Shahjahan said they have prepared a list of polling agents of their party’s candidates. “We’re now concerned whether our polling agents can enter voting centres as law enforcers are conducting drives to arrest and harass them.”

He urged the Election Commission and returning officers to take proper steps so that their agents are not harassed and prevented from entering polling centres.

Earlier at the briefing, Rizvi said. “The Khulna DIG asked OCs to chase BNP candidates and their supporters going from door to door to force them to flee their homes.”

The BNP leader also alleged many pro-Awami League professionals have been made presiding officers in many municipalities to conduct the elections to rig votes.