Dhaka, Feb 16 (UNB): AK Azad has been elected vice president of the International Chamber of Commerce, Bangladesh (ICCB) Executive Board during its recent meeting.
The post fell vacant with the demise of Latifur Rahman on July 1, 2020, said a media release on Tuesday.
Azad is the Chairman and Managing Director of Ha-Meem Group of Companies.
Ha-Meem group has achieved outstanding success in expanding the readymade garments sector of Bangladesh under his leadership.
As a former President of FBCCI and Bangladesh Chamber of Industries, he has contributed in the policy formulation for development of the industrial sector of the country.
He is also the founder of The Daily Samakal newspaper.
Azad is currently the President of Dhaka University Alumni Association and Director of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.
He has been honoured with numerous socio-economic awards for his achievements over the years.