AL volunteers guilty of gang-rape expelled

Bangladesh Swechchasebok League, the Awami League’s voluntary wing, has expelled two local leaders for their alleged involvement in the gang-rape of a woman and her college-going daughter in Bauphal upazila.The expelled leaders are Nur Alam Malik, 35, vice-president of ward no-1 of Najirpur union unit of Swechchasebok League, and Abdur Rahim Meer, 30, organizing secretary of the same outfit.

The decision came from an emergency meeting of the Upazila Swechchasebok League on Monday, said Harun or Rashid, president of Swechchasebok League of the upazila.Meanwhile, Judicial Magistrate Aminul Islam recorded the statements of the two victims on Monday noon, said officer-in-charge of Bauphal Police Station Azam Khan Farooqui.Police said the woman and her daughter of Uttar Kasirpara village went to Shoula area of the upazila to visit a park, Nurjahan garden, on Saturday noon.When they went to Char Ishan near the Titulia River by a trawler, six of their fellow passengers on the trawler violated the mother and daughter in turns.Hearing a hue and cry, some fishermen rushed in, recovered the two victims, and caught Nur Alam, who was the only one not to attempt fleeing by jumping into the river, red-handed. He was handed over to the police later.A case was filed against six people, including Nur Alam, with Bauphal police over the incident.