Amari Dhaka observes Earth Day

Dhaka – To fight for climate solutions on April 22, 2017 Amari Dhaka has celebrated Earth day by taking some environment friendly measures. Earth Day is a global reminder of our responsibility to preserve our home for generations to come. Amari will continue to strive to be one of the examples in sustainability through green and energy saving initiatives.To celebrate Earth day Amari engaged guests by organising an ‘Earth Day Movie Afternoon’ at the lobby lounge Cascade, screening of films about endangered animals to raise awareness and to support conservation and protection of endangered species. To raise awareness on environmental or climate change issue the hotel participated in tree plantation at the hotel periphery and also gifted small plants to walk in guests as a gesture. To reduce greenhouse gases the team members had taken initiatives to reduce the usage of disposable plastic (bags, food/drink containers), recycled paper, served environment friendly food to stuff cafeteria.
{Amari Dhaka, conveniently located in Dhaka’s new business district, is a modern new hotel is less than a 20-minute drive from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.)