BNP lying about Rohingya issue: Quader

Dhaka, Oct 8 – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Sunday alleged that BNP is lying about the Rohingya issue in a bid to rejuvenate its frustrated workers in the absence of its top leadership.He also claimed that BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia is staying abroad as she is least worried about the country although it faced flood thrice this year. “Their leader (Khaleda) is only deferring her return date. But she is not returning. I don’t think she has any worry about this,” he said.
Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, was talking to reporters after visiting a mobile court drive of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority at Kuril Biswaroad.
He said the rest of the BNP leaders are spreading falsehood here in press briefings. “They’re talking rubbish to re-energise their activists who are frustrated in the absence of their chairperson.”
About UN’s apprehension of fresh Rohingya influx, the minister said the Rohingyas are still entering Bangladesh although the number is poor.
He also urged the UN to take necessary steps to prevent the Rohingya influx.
Talking about BNP’s allegation that the government has failed to tackle the Rohingya crisis diplomatically, Quader said, “Had the diplomatic initiatives failed, how would Myanmar’s tone have turned soft? How did Myanmar minister convey their decision of constituting a joint working group for the repatriation of Rohingyas when the persecution and the ethnic cleansing reached its peak in Rakhine State?” – UNB