BNP would not be allowed to hold rallied on Jan 5: AL

Dhaka – Awami League joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif Thursday warned that the country’s people would not allow Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) to take field in the name of holding rallies centering ‘January 5,’ voting day of the 10th parliamentary elections.“Those who kill people in the name of foiling elections, the country’s people will not allow them to create anarchy in the name of holding programmes,” Hanif said.
He was addressing a joint meeting organized by Dhaka south city unit AL at the Institution of Engineers in the city, in a bid to make success the party’s January 10 programme on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s homecoming day.
Hanif said the AL observe January 5 as the victory day while BNP observe the day as the democracy killing day. But the words of democracy don’t go with their lips who kill people in the name of foiling an election.
“Had the current government not arranged the 10th parliamentary elections on January 5, the country’s constitutional continuation would have been hampered and our neo democracy would have been stumbled through an unconstitutional government in power and that’s why we observe the day as the victory day of democracy,” he said.
The AL leader also accused BNP of patronizing militants in the country and that’s why its leaders shed tears when militants are killed by the members of law enforcing agencies through their counter terrorism drives across the country.
Calling upon the BNP to take part in the next general elections, Hanif said the next general polls will be held in 2019 or in the fag end of 2018. If BNP wants to survive in the politics they should join the polls instead of taking any wrong decision, he added.
At the same programme, food minister advocate Quamrul Islam said BNP must join the next general elections as they have already isolated from the people for their wrong politics. So BNP would join the next polls for the sake of their own interest. He also said the next polls will be held in a free, fair and impartial manner. – Staff Reporter