BSF ‘rapes’ Bangladeshi woman

A West Bengal-based rights body on Friday demanded immediate arrest of a constable of the Border Security Force (BSF) for allegedly raping a Bangladeshi woman recently at a bordering village in state’s 24 Parganas (North).The right body, drawing the attention of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to the “sexual offence” committed on a 30-year old Bangladeshi woman by BSF jawan, also demanded adequate compensation for the victim and a probe into the incident by an independent agency.
Kirity Roy, Secretary of the Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM), in a letter to NHRC on Friday, has alleged that the woman was raped in front of her 6-year old minor son while she was trying to cross over to Bangladesh along with her son and husband.
The woman had come from Mumbai where her husband worked as mason helper. They are from Marolia village of Bangladesh’s Norail district.
The incident occurred on July 11, 2013 around 11 am at an India-Bangladesh bordering village Khedapara in 24 Parganas (North).
The MASUM in its letter to the NHRC further said, after the incident the victim was produced before the ACJM Court by the police, from where she was sent to correctional home with her minor son and husband in violation of Home Ministry’s office memorandum which clearly stated that “if a woman or a child is found to be a victim, the victim should not be prosecuted under the Foreigners Act.
The victim woman also lodged a complaint against the BSF constable Surajit Debvarma, which was also registered by the police.
“We have unconfirmed report that BSF higher ups suspended the accused BSF personal but he was not arrested or remanded till date, the MASUM pointed out demanding a probe into the incident by an independent agency.
“The victim woman with her minor son must be transferred to any care home from the correctional home (prison), her safety and security must be ensured and any interference by police and BSF must checked during the whole investigation process,” it further demanded. –