BTRC stops operation of Dhaka Fiber Net

Nationwide internet service provider (ISP) Dhaka Fiber Net Limited (DFNL) has been directed to stop operation for sharing bandwidth with unauthorized ISP and not maintaining IP log.

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has issued the directive recently upon the data of Crime Unit of Police, said a BTRC press release today.

The regulator also asked the DFNL to explain within seven days why its licence shall not be cancelled for breaching the licensing condition and directives of the Commission.

BTRC said an ISP-Confident Net provided internet connection to 150 customers getting bandwidth from the DFNL and the law enforcers found that some of those customers engaged in militancy/terrorist activities.

“Identifying those customers is not being possible as DFNL did not maintain IP log and the law enforcers are facing difficulties to arrest them,” added the BTRC release.

BTRC has redirected all the ISPs for not sharing bandwidth with unauthorized IPSs and maintaining IP log, reports BSS.