Tokyo’s future skyline could include a mile-high skyscraper

Rising like the Emerald City is a building that will not only dwarf the world’s tallest skyscraper — the Burj Khalifa in Dubai — but double its height.If built, the aptly named Sky Mile Tower by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) and Leslie E. Roberson Associates (LERA), would climb to approximately 1,600 meters, or one whole mile.The residential skyscraper is part of “Next Tokyo 2045,” a joint-proposal by the firms for research and developmental purposes. Its intent is to imagine a mega-city that contains resilient infrastructure.Tokyo, like other vulnerable coastal cities with low-lying elevations, is faced with factors like rising sea levels and increased typhoon risks. The eco-district would be located on reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay and developed for a half-million residents.”Next Tokyo is a vision for future cities based on challenges we face today,” KPF Principal David Malott told CNN. It was important for the design team that the vision be real: that Next Tokyo can be realized utilizing today’s technologies projected slightly forward into the future.”