Dhaka, Aug 2: The holy Eid-ul-Azha, one of the greatest religious festivals of Muslim Ummah, was celebrated on Saturday in a somber mood due to the coronavirus pandemic across the country.Muslims celebrated the Eid festival, in line with the government’s directives, including maintaining physical distancing, avoiding mass gathering and abiding by the health rules as the country, like almost all other world states, is at risk of the fatal COVID-19 outbreak.
The people had kept themselves confined in their limited respective vicinities and offered prayers at only their nearest mosques.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, greeting Muslims in Bangladesh and all over the world on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Azha.
They also urged the affluent and able people in the society to stand by the flood-and-Corona affected people of the country.
Besides, opposition leader in parliament Begum Raushan Ershad also greeted the nation on the occasion of the holy Eid-ul Azha.
The Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj month of the Hizri calendar as Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), on this day, some 4,500 years ago, offered to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (AS) who willingly submitted to the will of his father to please the Almighty Allah. But Allah in His benign mercy spared Hazrat Ismail (AS) and instead sent a ram to be sacrificed.
To commemorate this historic event, the Muslims all over the world slaughter sacrificial animals and draw inspiration from the unique example of sacrifice to please Allah as shown by two great prophets -Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS).
The festival appeared very unlikely to resemble that of previous years as many countries banned the traditional Eid congregations as part of anti-coronavirus measures.
The head of the state offered prayers of Eid-ul-Azha, the greatest religious festival of Muslims, with his family members and some important officials at the Durbar Hall of Bangabhaban.
The Eid jamaat (congregation) was held at 9:30 am. Pesh Imam of Bangabhaban Jame Mosque Mufti Maulana Saiful Kabir conducted the Eid prayers.
A special munajat was offered seeking divine blessings for peace and progress of the country and welfare of the people as well as the Muslim Ummah.
Like other mosques throughout the country, special doa was also offered seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of those who died of the fatal COVID-19, also wishing early recovery of the infected ones throughout the country as well as across the world.
Doa was also offered seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the county and its people in different democratic movements, particularly during the LiberationWar in 1971.
After the prayers, President Hamid spent time with his family members at the Presidential palace.
The main congregation (jamaat) of Eid-ul-Azha was held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque in the city at 7am by maintaining health code in view of the ongoing cronavirus pandemic.
Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Senior Pesh Imam Hafez Moulana Mizanur Rahman led the first Eid jamaat there.
Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh, Religious Ministry’s Secretary M Nurul Islam, DSCC Chief Executive Officer Shah M Imdadul Haque and Director General (DG) of Islamic Foundation Anis Mahmud, among others, took part in the namaz.
A total of six Eid congregations were held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque. The first one was held at 7am, second at 8am, third at 9am, fourth at 10am and the last one at 10.45am.
Meanwhile, two Eid congregations were held at the Dhaka University campus – one at DU central mosque and others is at Dr Muhammad Shahidullah Hall Jame Mosque – – at 8am, maintaining the health rules.
Besides, three Eid congregations were held at Gulshan Central Mosque – at 6 am, 8 am and third one at 10 am.
An Eid congregation was held at Raarbagh Police Lines Central Jame Mosque at 8 am where Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Benazir Ahmed offered his prayers.
At Mirpur Kazipara Central Jame Mosque, three Eid jamaats were held respectively at 7am, 8am and 8:45 am
Adequate security measures have been taken for peaceful and smooth celebration of the holy Eid-ul-Azha. The law enforcement agencies were also asked to ensure smooth movement of vehicles on highways,waterways and train routes.
Meanwhile, millions of people left the capital and other major cities to celebrate Eid with their near and dear ones in their village homes.
State-run Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar and other TV channels and radio stations are broadcasting special programmes on the Eid-ul-Azha.