‘Frustrated youth ‘militants’ ready to die to take control,’ says Police

One shouldn’t undermine the enemy, says police official
Dhaka – The militant suspects, arrested recently, are highly motivated as they are ready to die to implement their agenda and they want to bring the whole country under their control within 10 years, said a senior official on Thursday, reports UNB.“They’re eager to die… they think they’ll go to the haven [by executing their plans]. They’re highly motivated,” said Assistant Inspector General (AIG-confidential) Md Moniruzzaman terming the situation a big challenge.
Addressing a seminar in the city, Moniruzzaman said he interviewed over 1,000 such detained persons and most of them are ‘frustrated’ and have no previous criminal records.
He said they (militants) are very confident that the entire country will be brought under their control within 10 years while the entire world by next 15 years.
“The whole nation will have to work together [to tackle the militancy],” Moniruzzaman said adding that no one should undermine the enemy.
Mentioning that the police will take the lead role in fighting against the militants, he said support from all is a must in this regard.
The AIG also said they want a full-fledged counterterrorism unit, if possible within a month. “We initially had thought they were all from madrasah, but were wrong,” Moniruzzaman said.
He mentioned that some 80 percent among the detained interviewees are below 30 years of age.
Some 66 percent were with a background of formal educational, 22 percent of madrasah and 12 percent have no education, the police official added.
Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) arranged the daylong seminar, titled ‘Recent Extremist Violence in Bangladesh: Response Options’.