Hypertension: Food habit and lifestyle

Hypertension otherwise called high blood pressure, is a medicinal condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently raised. Hypertension is a major problem in our society. It does not act directly as a killer disease but gradually become the reason of so much diseases. Hypertension regularly does not show any symptoms. The major risk factors are coronary artery problem, atrial fibrillation, stroke, chronic kidney problem, peripheral vascular disease,heart failure, vision loss, and dementia.
Life style and food habit is a major role on blood pressure maintenance. Some foods and life styles are reasonably responsible for low and high blood pressure differently.
Smoking is major cause of hypertension because it’s constrict the blood vessel. Patient with hyper tension should not smoke and wedose not smoke near the patients to remove the indirect smoking of the patients. Taking of alcohol and alcoholic beverage products also increase blood pressure, fat level in the blood and extra calories to be overweight.
If you become overweight the chance of hyper tension is more than the healthy person.
High sodium salt is a silent killer in our food, it increases our blood pressure gradually by taking with every meal of the day. Sleep apneain some person create hypertension so, you should conscious about a sound sleep in night to maintain proper blood pressure for a healthy life. Red meat also increase blood pressure, to maintain normal blood pressure avoid red meat is a better decision.
Hyper-tension that means to be temper so, to maintain high blood pressure we should be calm and relax.
Fat free, vegetable and fruit enriched meal ensure a normal blood pressure for human there breads, lunchmeats, and pizzas are reasons of hypertension.
Fish and low-fat dairy products are helpful for the normal blood pressure. Olives and olive oil reduce hypertension. From our spices garlic act as a reducing agent of hypertension.
The final solution of hypertension is to maintain aerobic exercise
daily, reports internet.