Month-long bird observation campaign kicks off at Godagari

A month-long native and guest birds observation campaign launched on the riverbeds of Godagari under Rajshahi district Saturday.
Department of Zoology of Rajshahi University has launched the observation programme in association with Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation Division with the main thrust of making the movement and breeding places of the native and migratory guest birds secured.Besides, the campaign will act as a preliminary step to build a bird sanctuary in the area in future.Divisional Forest Officer, Mollah Rezaul Karim, said bird sanctuary is very important in terms of highlighting significance of bird and nature among the public in general. So, ensuring security to the native and guest birds has become an urgent need.He viewed that the birds’ species has been gradually declining due to various reasons including shrinkage of their habitat. So, time-fitting measures are needed On the first day of the campaign, the 25-member observatory team led by Prof Dr Aminuzzaman Saleh Reja of Department of Zoology detected and identified 40 species of birds both native and migratory in the vast riverbed on Padma River. The team will share views with local public representatives and disseminate importance of birds and natural resource conservation and will work vigorously on how to formulate a future plan of action. –BSS, Rajshahi