My four rules: Barack Obama

Mostafa Kamal,
As long as we’ve been working to get the Obama Foundation up and running, I’ve been thinking about what I might say at the Foundation’s first big gathering — what words of wisdom I’d give to a group of people who have devoted their lives to making the world better.
In true dad fashion, I came up with a set of rules. There are just a few of them, and I think they’re pretty simple. This afternoon, I encouraged our Summit attendees to follow them while they’re here together — and I think they’re relevant to our everyday lives, too:
Rule 1: Listen.Rule 2: Don’t be disagreeable.Rule 3: No selfies!Rule 4: Have fun.
It’s taken a lot of work to get here, and I’ve never been more excited about the future of this Foundation. I’m so happy that you’re with us.
Thank you,