Dhaka, March 12 : The government is doing everything it can to protect Bangladesh’s only coral island St Martin’s, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Md Shahab Uddin said Friday.
He said it is difficult to protect the environment and biodiversity of the island without the cooperation of the people, according to a PID handout.
“I seek the sincere cooperation of all concerned in complying with the government’s restrictions in protecting this unique island,” he said at a seminar held at St Martin’s Marine Park organised to discuss ways to protect the island.
Speakers at the seminar requested the authorities concerned to take disciplinary action against the violators of government restrictions through a mobile court if necessary to protect St Martin’s.
Situated a few miles off the coast in the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal, St Martin’s is one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh. The coral island, boasting picturesque sandy beaches, coconut trees and marine life, is popular with both local and foreign tourists, reports UNB.