No option but movement to unseat Govt for democracy: BNP

Accusing the government of pushing the country into a deep crisis, senior BNP leader Rafiqul Islam Miah on Saturday said they together with people will dislodge it through a united movement.
“There’s no other option but to launch a united movement to unseat this autocratic regime in a bid to restore democracy and people’s rights,” he said.Rafiqul was addressing a discussion meeting arranged by Nagorik Forum at the Jatiya Press Club.
He said though Awami League talks about democracy the party does not believe in it and tries to establish one-party Baksal role whenever it assumes office.
“Awami League leaders are now dreaming of hanging onto power until 2041 by restoring one-party rule. People won’t let you materialise your plan as the fall of autocrats are certain,” the BNP leader added.
Meanwhile, addressing another programme, Rafiqul said their party will not tolerate corruption, plundering and repressive acts if it returns to power. “We’ can strongly say there’ll be no corruption, looting, misrule and repressive acts if BNP forms government again in the future.”
Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal arranged the programme at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, marking the 50th birthday of BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman.
Highly lauding the leadership quality of Tarique, the BNP senior leader said he is now spending time reading books and thinking about the country and its people to ensure their rights.
“He (Tarique) will return home from London to lead the nation after the recovery from his illness,” Rafiqul said.
He advised BNP leaders and activists to take to the streets instead of shouting slogans inside hall rooms or party offices. “We’ll have to wage a movement on the streets. We’ll, therefore, have to take preparations for making supreme sacrifices during the movement.” – UNB