Rain or thundershowers likely

Rain and thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty or squally wind is likely to occur at one or two places over Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Chittagong and Sylhet divisions in next 24 hours till 6pm tomorrow (Friday).

Mild heat wave is sweeping over Khulna division and the regions of Dhaka,  Faridpur, Madaripur, Rangamati, Comilla, Rajshahi and Bhola and it may continue.

Day and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the country, Met Office said.   The sun sets in the capital tomorrow at 6:27pm and rises on Saturday at 5:23am.

Country’s highest temperature 37.8 degree Celsius was recorded on Thursday in Jessore and Chuadanga and lowest 23.8 degrees in Hatiya.   -UNB