Runa Khan to debut in big screen

Culture Desk

Runa Khan is an established actress of TV dramas. It is said that no director wants to find a replacement for her once they have crafted a character she can play. Now the actress is set to leave her marks on the silver screen. Her upcoming film “Halda” directed by Tauquir Ahmed has been talk of the town for quite some time now. But few know that Halda is not her first film. Before this she signed up for another project titled “Chitkini.” The film directed by Shajedul Auwal was getting delayed for release. This kept Runa depressed as she had high hopes for the film since the beginning of production. Seeing it become her second or third film to get released was not something she was ready to accept let alone facing a prolonged uncertainty regarding the release.

Thus putting her worries to rest the release date for Chitkini has finally been confirmed and it also comes ahead of the release date of Halda. Chitkini will be released on November 24 while Halda will be released on December 1. The news after it reached her on November 18 obviously sent her into ruptures. She has said to this correspondent that as Chitkini was her first film as an actress, she had high hopes for it. She expressed her gratitude to the director Shajedul as he is the real person to give her a chance in the silver screen for the first time. Shajedul has also given her the very lead role on her first tryout.

As for her career Runa claims to remain committed with acting throughout her life. Though she claims that she cannot act she wants to pursue acting because she loves it irrespective of whether it comes to stage, TV or Cineplex. Her family and her acting are the two things she loves most and does not want to spent time for anything else to propel her career.