“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” the first movie in the popular Harry Potter series, will return to China with a 3D version on Aug. 14.The announcement by the film’s production company Warner Bros via social media came as the…
Tag: movie
Oscars suspend movie theater rule due to coronavirus
Movies that skip the big screen will be allowed to contend for Oscars this year, the Academy said Tuesday in a significant rule change forced by the coronavirus pandemic.
Disney dropping the ‘Fox’ from movie studio names
Disney is dropping the word “Fox” from the movie studios it acquired as part of last year’s $71 billion purchase of Fox’s entertainment business, according to published reports.
Jojo Rabbit director felt shame dressing as Hitler for movie
Drawing on his own Jewish heritage and experiences growing up surrounded by prejudice, writer-director-actor Taika Waititi was excited to make a movie against hate through a satire of the Nazi culture at the height of WWII, until he saw himself…
Sunny Leone signs in Bangladeshi movie
Entertainment Desk Popular Indian actor Karenjit Kaur Vohra, who is commonly known by her stage name Sunny Leone, is all set to appear in an item song in a Bangladeshi film for the first time ever. The film will be…
“It’s not because you don’t have the means that you don’t dream,” says Guy-Serge Namane, a director at the second Bushman Film Festival, a cornucopia of global smartphone cinema. “Action!,” his assistant director calls. Namane asks actress Berenice Irie, in…