Twelve more people were arrested in the past 24 hours over the vandalism and arson carried out by Hefazat-e-Islam activists and supporters in Brahmanbaria last month, police said Monday.

Twelve more people were arrested in the past 24 hours over the vandalism and arson carried out by Hefazat-e-Islam activists and supporters in Brahmanbaria last month, police said Monday.
Battle Creek, Mich. (AP/UNB) Dec 19, 2019 – Defiant in the face of a historic rebuke, President Donald Trump labelled his impeachment by the House of Representatives on Wednesday “a suicide march” for the Democratic Party.
Dhaka, Dec 18 – BNP candidate for Dhaka-9 constituency Afroza Abbas and her supporters came under attack allegedly by Awami League men while conducting electioneering in the city’s Khilgaon area on Tuesday morning, leaving an unspecific number of people injured.