Information Minister Hasan Mahmud on Thursday said that tearing apart of budget copy in front of the parliament is the expression of BNP’s audacity.
Talking to journalists at the secretariat, he said, “For the party which killed people with petrol bomb, it is natural to tear apart budget copy in front of parliament.”
It is not the first time BNP has rejected the budget, Mahmud said adding that they have been doing it for te past 11 years and every time they alleged that the budget is not implementable.
But in the last 11 years, all national budgets have been implemented which reduced the poverty rate by half, raised per capita income threefolds and GDP four times, he claimed.
“They (BNP) alleged that budget was discussed only one day at the parliament when the whole budget session discussed the national budget,” the minister said.
BNP is making wrong comment as they didn’t attend the budget session, he stated, adding that currently operating parliament session every day is impossible because of the coronavirus situation.
Despite knowing the reality, the BNP is delivering fake and irrelevant comments, he alleged.Talking about fixing rate for Covid-19 test, Mahmud said he personally requested the Health Ministry to review the rate so that poor people can have the tests free of cost.
Before that, the minister attended the inaugural programme of 50-bed BGMEA Covid-19 Field hospital as the chief guest at Saltgola in Chattogram through video conference.
source: UNB