Teenager girl raped by 3 youths in Magura

Dhaka – A teenager girl was gang-raped allegedly by three young men at Sriphaltala village in Sadar upazila in Magura on Sunday.The victim filed a case against three people with Sadar Police Station on Sunday night, said officer-in-charge of the police station Azmal Huda,UNB news agency reported.The accused are: Sabur Ali, 23, son of Rahim Molla, Mizanur Rahman, 30, son of Sultan Biswas and Mahidur, 23, son of Harej Biswas, all hailing from the same village.  Locals and police sources said the incident took place when the victim was staying alone at the house in the afternoon when her parents went to her relative’s house.The trio entered the victim’s house and violated her one after another.The victim’s family members returned home and took her to Magura Sadar Hospital.