4 Jamaat men held in Satkhira

Dhaka – Police arrested four activists of Jamaat-e-Islami from Harivanga village in Ashasuni upazila in Satkhira on early Sunday.The arrestees were identified as Afsar Uddin, son of late Jonab Ali, Nazrul Gazi son of Nazar Uddin Gazi, Ismail Sarder son of Babar Ali Sarder and Abdur Rahman, son of Imad Ali.Tipped off that a group of Jamaat leaders and activists were holding a concealed meeting at Harivanga village, a police team conducted a drive there and arrested the four Jamaat men while the others fled scene, said sub-inspector Abdur Razzak of Ashasuni Police Station.The law enforcers also recovered jehadi books and leaflets from the spot, the SI added.UNB news agency