It is a good news for students, tree lovers, morning walkers and research scholars as they would be able to know detail information about the trees planted beside roads and parks since authorities are going to tag trees with Quick Response (QR) codes.
New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has taken the decision of tagging the trees with QR codes recently after receiving several queries about the tree from school students, morning walkers and researchers, who frequently visit the areas.
The process will be started by equipping 6,000 trees of different varieties at 135 avenue roads and four major parks at NDMC area with QR codes, officials said here recently.
The QR codes can be scanned by visitors to know details of a tree including its age, life span, botanical name, longitude, common name, blooming season, girth and canopy size, they said.
Apart from this, the NDMC is also planning to use bands or hooks this time instead of plastic tags to display the QR codes so that trees are not harmed during installation of the codes.
Earlier, some 100 tress at Lodhi Garden in the capital city have been tagged with QR codes and the decision to cover more trees has been taken based on the feedback from the public.
The QR codes installation process, which will take one month, will begin after six month when the tree census exercise gets completed.
However, the forest department has undertaken a massive tree plantation programme to further raise its forest cover to protect environment and save the city dwellers from air pollution.
Delhi’s green cover, comprising forest cover and tree cover, increased from 297.7 sq km or 20.08 per cent in 2015 to 305.4 sq km or 20.22 per cent in 2017, according to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2017 released in March this year.
The Delhi government however, has taken massive plantation programmes during the rainy season to further raise the forest cover, reports AFP, New Delhi.