Aylan Kurdi: The toddler now a symbol of refugee crisis in Europe

Aylan Kurdi has become the symbol of the refugee crisis in Europe. He was washed up dead on the shores of Bodrum in southwest Turkey. The three year old toddler drowned in the Mediterranean Sea along with his five-year-old brother Galip and mother Rihan. The father, Abdullah, survived. The pictures of Aylan lying dead on the beach went viral on social media and now he has become a symbol of refugee crisis in Europe.
The boys were on one of two boats that departed Bodrum early on Wednesday and were headed for the Greek island of Kos. Both boats sank shortly after leaving the Turkish coast. Twelve bodies have been recovered from the sea, including those of five children. Nine people survived and two are still missing, presumed drowned.The family, Kurds from Kobane in north Syria, fled their homes after the Islamic State group had besieged their town earlier this year.
Teema said the family had been hoping to eventually reach Canada – after travelling to Europe. Earlier this year the family had a refugee application rejected by Canadian authorities due to complexities around them having already fled from Syria to Turkey.
The United Nations has reported that at least 230,000 people have been killed in Syria’s civil war, although the actual toll is thought to be much higher. More than 6.5 million people out of a population of 22 million have also been displaced by the conflict.
More than 2,600 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe this year alone
More than 350,000 people have arrived in Europe so far this year seeking sanctuary from war or persecution , mostly from Lybia and Syria, two countries destoryed by USA and its NATO allies
Countercurrents.org via Just International