Law prescribes jail, fine for photo sans consent

A provision for punishment for violating privacy by taking one’s photo with ill intent or publishing or distorting it without consent has been included in a proposed law.The Cabinet cleared the draft of the ‘Digital Security Law – 2016’ on Monday.

After the meeting, Cabinet Division Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam told reporters if any person takes one’s photo with ill motive or publish or distort it without his or her consent, it will be considered a criminal violation of privacy once the law is passed.He said the punishment for such offence has been fixed in the draft at two years’ imprisonment or maximum Tk 200,000 fine or both.On the social media, incidents of harassment by publishing photos without consent are making headlines.Several organisations have been demanding that the matter of ensuring privacy is specifically included in the legal structure.Bangladesh does not have any such fully fledged law, but the matter of privacy have been included in the ICT Act and some other laws.