BNP happy as it holds dialogue with President

Voicing their happiness over their meeting with President Abdul Hamid, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said they are now optimistic about overcoming the country’s ‘political crisis’.“We’re happy and optimistic after today’s (Sunday’s) meeting with the President. The President is completely apolitical personality. He has long been involved in politics. He is also respected by all. We hope the initiative he has taken will play an effecting role in overcoming the country’s political crisis,” he said.The BNP leader also hoped the dialogue process will also continue to form an acceptable Election Commission based on the opinions of all political parties.

“Following the meeting with the President, we’re very optimistic that he as the guardian of the country will play a proper role in resolving the crisis.”The BNP leader came up with the positive remarks at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office after the meeting with the President over the Election Commission (EC) formation.During the meeting, Fakhrul said their chairperson gave the president specific opinions about the formation of a search committee.Earlier in the day, an 11-member BNP delegation, led by its Chairperson Khaleda Zia, held talks with President Abdul Hamid at Bangabhaban over the formation of the new EC.The meeting that started at 4:37 pm at the Darbar Hall of the presidential palace ended at 5:35 pm.The BNP delegation members also include Mirza Fakrul Islam Alamgir, Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Moudud Ahmed, Jamiruddin Sircar, Mahbubur Rahman, Rafiqul Islam Miah, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, Nazrul Islam Khan and Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury.President Hamid initiated formal talks with political parties over the formation of the new EC with his first meeting with BNP.The President has taken the dialogue initiative as the tenure of the current Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad-led EC expires in February next.Fakhrul said the meeting was held in a very warm and cordial atmosphere. “The President welcomed our chairperson and delegation members with his as usual cordial gesture.”He said Khaleda gave the President a short version of her 13-point proposal on forming a stronger EC which she had presented before the nation a month back.“In her proposal, the main focus was on constituting the Election Commission based on opinions of all political parties. As no law could be formulated yet for the EC formation, we think the President should make the new EC based on a consensus among political parties,” the BNP leader said.He said the President thanked Khaleda for presenting her proposal on the EC. “The President thinks our chairperson’s constructive proposal will help form a stronger EC and give democracy an institutional shape.”Fakhrul said Abdul Hamid also said there is no alternative to dialogue in a democratic country. “The President also thinks political problems can be resolved through talks.”He said the President said he will examine procedural issues for forming a search committee following the BNP chairperson’s specific opinions in this regard.Fakhrul said the President believes an acceptable, neutral and courageous and competent EC is very crucial for the nation. ‘That’s why he expects support from all parties in this regard. He also hopes every party will play a positive role to this end.”He said the President may determine the procedure for forming the search committee after discussions with all other parties by next month. “After that, another scope for talks with political parties over the EC formation can be created.