BNP wants govt initiative of dialogue for next election

Dhaka-Stating that the entire nation is now in distress due to the government’s wrong steps, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday urged it to engage in dialogue with the opposition to hold the next election in a free and fair manner.“The current regime doesn’t represent people. Not only BNP, but also the entire nation has been affected as the government is moving towards a wrong path ignoring the right one. We demand an acceptable and inclusive election to overcome the political crisis,” he said.
Talking to reporters at his Uttara residence, the BNP leader further said, “We want the government to take an initiative for dialogue so that the next election can be inclusive and acceptable to all.”
Fakhrul said their movement for a fresh election is not visible on the streets now as part of their strategy to reorganise their party first to do so.
“We’ve now kept limited our movement to mass contact as we’re trying to tidy up our party. We’ll strengthen our campaign after reshaping our organisations. Our Chairperson Khaleda Zia will also join it. We believe in people’s power and we’ll carry out the movement together with them,” he added.
The BNP leader said people could not celebrate the Eid-ul-Azha with enthusiasm as a suffocating situation has been prevailing in the country. “Lakhs of people used to take part in eid congregation at Sholakia, but not even 1,000 people had been there this time.”
About militant activities in the country, he said it is necessary to unearth the root of the problem to eliminate it.
Fakhrul alleged that the government is confusing people with misleading information in this regard instead of rooting out militancy.
He also said the government cannot ignore the country’s ‘most popular’ party BNP if it wants to tackle militancy with people. “If you’re really sincere to eradicate militancy, forge a national unity responding to the call of our chairperson, and stop repressing your opponents.”
The BNP leader warned that militancy can spread to other areas of the South-Asian region if it can’t be tackled here with united efforts.
Criticising the government for withdrawing BNP founder Ziaur Rahman’s Swadhinata Padak, he said it is Awami League’s nature that it cannot evaluate others due to its parochial politics.
Mentioning Bangabandhu’s immense contributions towards liberating the country, Fakhrul said, “We don’t want to undermine anyone. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been on a movement for a long time for the country’s independence. Awami League also did it and fought for it. But, there’s no reason to undermine Ziaur Rahman’s contributions as well.”
The BNP leader said the government is allowing setting up Rampal power plant against people’s will as it has no accountability. “Rampal power plant wouldn’t have been set up had parliament been effective. Was there any discussion on the power plant in parliament when people think it will destroy the Sundarbans?”