BNP wants to bring out rally on December 16

Dhaka-The BNP wants to bring out a colourful procession and hold a rally of freedom fighters to mark the Vicotry Day on December 16.BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said this while talking to reporters after a party joint meeting at centtral office at Naya Paltan in the city.
He said the party would seek permisson from the authorities concerned to observe the programme.
The leader hoped that they would get cooperation from the governement in this regard.
Mirza Alamgir announced party programme to mark the Fall of Autocracy Day on December 6, Martyars Intelelctual Day on December and Victory Day on December 6.
As part of the programme, Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal, a front organisaiton of BNP, will organise the rally of freedom fighters on December.
The other programme of the party incldue palcing wreath at the mazar of party founder Ziaur Rahman at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, hoisting of party and national flags at party offices, holding discussion meeting and brining out procession.
The BNP secretary general said the venue of the meeting and procesison would depend on permsison of the authorities.
Replying toa question, he said BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman has been implicating in “false cases” one after another to keep him out form the poltics.
Earlier, the BNP wanted to hold a rally at Suhrawardy Udyan to mark the “National Revolution and Soliderity Day” early November but they were not given permisssion.
However, police gave permisison to BNP to hold a meeting at INstitution of Engineers, Bangladesh on November 8 but the BNP rejected it saying that they wanted to hold an outdoor rally not an indoor one.-STAFF REPORTER