BPC ‘fails’ to take action against 46 erring filling stations

Dhaka – Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) has purportedly failed to take any legal action against the 46 errant filling stations in 13 southern districts over the last 10 months, despite issuing show-cause notices, UNB news agency reported.
The filling stations were sent the show-cause notices for violating rules by receiving fuel from unauthorised private refineries.Assistant general manager of Meghna Petroleum Shaheen Reza Khan said of the 46 errant stations, only two filling stations suspended their fuel supply for three months, but no legal action was taken against them.
The alleged 46 filling stations in Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Jessore, Jhenidah, Narail, Magura, Kushtia, Chuadanga, Meherpur, Faridpur, Rajbari and Gopalganj were found selling greater volumes of fuel compared to the quantity they had collected from state-owned Padma Oil, Meghna Oil and Jamuna Oil, according to sources at Meghna Oil and Jamuna Oil.
The errant filling stations collected the extra amount of fuel from private refineries at a relatively lower rate and sold it to retailers, leading to revenue losses of the government as well as engine ‘degradation of many vehicles’, they added.
Although the district police and administration were supposed to make a list for identifying the source of the unauthorised oil, they avoided the matter, the sources added.