Dhaka, Oct 18 – Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Mayor Atiqul Islam on Friday said a 10-kilometer exclusive bicycle lane is being constructed in the city’s Agargaon area.“For a separate space for cycling, work on the exclusive bicycle lane is underway in Agargaon area. There’ll be a bicycle-renting facility as well,” he said.
The DNCC mayor made the announcement while addressing an anti-drug marathon race in the city’s Hatirjheel area jointly arranged by DNCC, JCI and Sportier.
Some 400 contestants participated in the 5-kilometre race titled, ‘Run for Breaking Drugs’.
“The young generation will have to overcome the addiction of mobile apps. They’ve to come out of their houses and play more,” Atiqul said.
“The roads at Uttara are wider but the pavements there are getting occupied alongside roads,” he said adding, “The younger generation should come forward to arrange more programmes like marathon one.” – UNB