Shanghai, November 23, 2019 – “Frozen 2,” a highly anticipated animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, debuted in movie theaters on the Chinese mainland Friday.It is the sequel of the Academy Award-winning animated feature film “Frozen” released in 2013, which gained popularity across the world, featuring its iconic song “Let It Go” and the sisterhood of protagonists Elsa and Anna.
Six years later, “Frozen 2” continues as an animated musical showcasing the story of Elsa and Anna and their new adventures in the icy Nordic scenery.
Following the release of “Frozen 2,” Shanghai Disney Resort on Friday transformed into a festive “Frozen” wonderland for the upcoming winter season. The resort offers Disney fans an immersive flight experience with a new “Frozen”-themed airplane called “Frozen-Express” with an overlay of characters Elsa, Anna and Olaf.
Tourists can also enjoy “Frozen”-themed decorations on Shanghai Metro Line 11, according to the resort. – XINHUA/UNB