Dog swims over 6 miles, walks 12 more to find family

Dog swims, walks 18 miles for masters
Dog swims, walks 18 miles for masters

Beulah (AP/UNB) — A dog swam more than 6 miles and walked a dozen more to find its family after falling overboard into Lake Michigan during the weekend.Edward Casas was boating on the lake Sunday with his wife, Kristin, and the family dog, a 10-month old Belgian Malinois (MAL’-ehn-wah) named Rylee. Casas tells ABC News Rylee went overboard while he was in the engine room trying to figure out a mechanical problem with the boat and his wife was steering.
Casas says he sent out a mayday call on the radio and was connected to a volunteer group that searches for lost dogs.
The next morning someone spotted Rylee going into a nearby campground. Edward Casas says there was a lot of sobbing and hugging when the family was reunited with him.