EC studying polls code in 5 countries keeping Parliament

The Election Commission is studying the electoral law of five countries where general elections are held without dissolving Parliament, a top official said.A committee has been formed headed by a Joint Secretary of the commission, which is responsible for formulating election code of conduct.
The countries are India, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Pakistan.
told has reported quoting an Election Commissioner who wished not to be named that the EC was giving priority to the India’s code.
“We’re taking India’s code of conduct as a model. Position of the MPs is considered profitable there. It means they (incumbent MPs) can run in election.”
The EC has taken the move after Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury’s statement about the time of the next national election.
She told Parliament on Sept 12 that the polls would be held sometime between Oct 25 and Jan 24.
The EC held two meetings on Sunday – one on formulation of the code of conduct and the other on preparation of election manual.
Before the meeting, Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Rakib Uddin Ahmad told reporters that the commission was working to create a level playing field for all political parties and candidates.
“Examples and guidelines of democratic countries where elections are held in this situation (keeping Parliament in place) would be followed,” he said. –