Govt scared of fair polls, says Goyeshwar

Senior BNP leader Goyeshwar Chandra Roy has complained that the government is trying to hold a unilateral election since it is afraid of an ‘acceptable’ balloting.Goyeshwar made the comment at a meeting organised for the activists of Jatiyatabadi Shomobay Dal, the cooperative wing of the party, at the National Press Club on Sunday afternoon.
“The government has indulged in corruption and misdeeds so much over the past four and a half years that it is afraid of fair polls. That’s why it wants to conduct a unilateral election instead of credible polls,” claimed Goyeshwar.
The 15th constitutional amendment has enabled the government to stay in power during the general election supposed to be held between Oct 25 and Jan 24.
The BNP has been demanding reinstatement of the dissolved caretaker government system stating that a neutral oversight of the election is not possible under a partisan government.
The chief opposition party also alleges that it will deprive the opposition candidates of a level playing field if Parliament remains in force during the election and has threatened to boycott the next election for the reasons.
“We want to make it clear to the government that it must stop being arrogant and accept the demand of the people. The threat of torture and imprisonment (of opposition leaders) will not reap any benefit. (A street) movement will force the government to hold the election under a non-party government,” said the leader.
He criticised the government for what he said its plan to enact new a law restricting enforcement of general strike.
“Calling shutdown is a democratic right. A new law mulls incorporating the provision of seven years imprisonment on charge of enforcing strike,” he further claimed.
“We want to tell the government, stop formulating undemocratic rules and regulations. Keep it in mind that you (the incumbent government) cannot stay in power forever.”
He urged people to be prepared after Oct 24 for the movement his party is planning to wage for the election to be held under a non-partisan caretaker government. –