FIFA research says 3.5B people viewed some World Cup action

Zurich,(AP/UNB) – FIFA says more than 3.5 billion people viewed some of the 2018 World Cup, with 1.12 billion watching at least one minute of France beating Croatia 4-2 in the final.A FIFA-commissioned review of World Cup viewing says the final’s television audience was 516.6 million by the traditional measure of “global average in-home audience.” More watched on digital devices and out-of-home screenings in public spaces, bars and restaurants.
The global TV audience for the 64-game tournament in Russia averaged 191 million per game – up from 187 million for the 2014 edition in Brazil.
FIFA says “each game was a global televisual event in its own right.”FIFA’s research suggests most viewers also watched for longer than they did four years earlier.UNB