Shop employees of Gausia market staged demonstrations and blocked Mirpur Road for an hour on Sunday demanding their arrears.The agitating workers took to the streets in front of Gausia Market at 12pm and continued demonstrations until 1:20pm.
Jewel Molla, president of Shramik Kormochari Union, said most of the shop owners at Gausia market did not pay arrears of the workers and kept the markets shut.
“How’ll the workers survive during this coronavirus pandemic?” he said.
Pointing at the market owners, he said nobody is thinking about the workers right now.
The agitating market employees alleged that some market owners decided to keep their markets shut even though the government has allowed them to keep those open from 10am till 4pm from Sunday.
The workers alleged that their shop owners did not pay their arrears.
Helal Uddin, president of Bangladesh Shop Owners Association (BSOA), said maximum shopping malls and markets will remain shut considering the present coronavirus situation.
The authorities of Old Dhaka’s Islampur Market, Chawkbazar, Keraniganj, Ayesha Market of Jatrabari, Dhanmond’s Rapa Plaza, Dhaka New Super Market and shops in the Elephant road areas in the city have decided to reopen the markets from Sunday, BSOA president Helal Uddin told UNB.
Meanwhile, shopping malls and markets in the Gulistan, Bangabazar, Aziz Super Market in Shahabagh, Palwal Market in old Paltan and markets in Mirpur area will remain shut until Eid, he added.
Earlier, the authorities of Bashundhara City Shopping Complex, Jamuna Future Park, Dhaka’s busiest New Market, Mouchak, Anarkoli markets have decided not to reopen their markets, Helal Uddin added.
The government on Tuesday allowed businesspeople to keep shops and shopping malls open for six hours from 10am to 4pm every day from Sunday, after maintaining health guidelines during the general holidays, reports UNB.