Good meeting between Bahrain authorities and labourers

Happy that not drastic changes are happening due to the Trade Union Awareness, constantly we are Making. As a New year agenda, the Kingdom of Bahraini government authorities mainly Immigration Police, LMRA ( Flexy) Ministry of Labour arranged a law awareness class at the Indian Club premises and it was attended by thousands of members of the workforce.
So for the working classes, it was a good experience, even invalid visa holder’s had an experience of mingling with uniformed authorities, in other words.
They dream as only hunters of these people for deportations, and law-like passport holders need not have to hand over to anybody other than you,
Then about runaway deportations, how they can prove their innocence etc.
The Authorities also had a chance to interact and to have a second thought about their attitudes against Labourers,
We recommend making such meetings on a regular basis so more workers will have self- respect and safe working environment instead of a fearful environment. – A message from Bahrain said