The beating to death of a leopard in Boda, Panchagarh, a northern district of Bangladesh, and doing wildly joy with its body reflects the General apathy towards wild animals among the people in general.The ill-fated leopard might have lost contact with its herd and came to the locality of humans. Leopards are generally aggressive. The generally attack livestock animals and in rare cases humans. All of us must remember that we humans have shrunk their habitats to the extent that those are no longer enough to sustain wildlife.
It we look into the past we would find that many of our homesteads have been built by encroaching their safe sanctuaries. Unsustainable habitats forced many wild animals to disappear and go into extinction.
There is a need for general awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the significant role of wildlife to ensure for our life and livelihood a sustainable ecosystem without which we humans cannot survive.